1 week


We were only told we needed to bring six images to the following class, we were not instructed where to find images or what they should look like. We were merely instructed that the images needed to contain instances of a specific design term. These terms were as follows: Rhythm, Pattern, Space, Symmetry, Asymmetry and Order.
These terms should be easy enough to visualize, right? As one of our first studios in the program, it seemed like a stretch to try to distill such large and overarching terms into a handful of images.
My process went as follows: I spent hours on Pinterest to find visually impactful images of high quality. I made individual boards for each term and saved every image that seemed to fit the terms even slightly.
Once I had gathered a plethora of images that fit each term, I looked through each individual board and eliminated images that no longer fit the term as well as I once thought. I kept reconsidering what these terms meant to me based on previous experiences and design work. Slowly, through the process of gathering precedence, the definitions of terms began to solidify in my mind.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Rhythm board
Space board
Order board
After eliminating images that no longer fit my solidified visual definition of the term, I created a template in Adobe Illustrator to place the images in a deliverable format. Clean lines and boundaries were what I sought out to give space for the images to create an impact on their own, I did not want to the template to take away from how powerful and stunning these images were on their own.
The template was completed and further eliminations of images were required to move forward. The biggest deciding factor on images that were chosen was cohesion. Did the images fit well together as a set underneath the term? With each term, I tried finding a thread of similarities between the photos. I gravitated towards a cohesive colors in each of the sets, similar angles or edges and a sense of fluidity to connect the images.

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